pigeon control

Pigeon Predators

Pigeons, small creatures as they are would naturally have enemies that would come after and devour them. Predators would always be around waiting for the chance to pounce on their prey and pigeons will have to do everything that they can to prevent themselves from getting killed. If they end up getting captured, it would definitely mean the end of their small lives. Come to think of it, pigeons were never really made to become predators, but prey to a lot of species of animals in the planet. That's why they do the best they can to prevent such animals from turning them into meals. Generally, pigeons are easy prey to their predators, considering that they have nothing else left for defence than their speed of flight. However, they're not even that fast of a bird to begin with. That's why they get captured ever so easily more often than not.

Hopefully, this article will be able to outline and describe the most common predators of pigeons and the information will probably help you if ever you have pet pigeons at home. Here are some of the most common predators of pigeons.

Hawks, Falcons, Sparrows

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Hawks are the natural born enemies of any birds and particularly pigeons. What's surprisingly odd though is that not all hawks are bird eaters, however, if presented the opportunity of attacking one, it will. Even a small bird like pigeons will never be spared. The most common type of hawks found to usually attack pigeons are the Cooper's hawks, Goshawks, Sharp Shinned hawks, Sparrow Hawks, Peregrine falcons, Kestrels, and all the other bird hunting raptors. They are the most feared birds by any pigeon. If pigeons will be able to detect any of these birds on flight in search for food, pigeons will do the best they can to scurry away from the clear and present danger. However, equipped with stealth and speed, no matter how hard the pigeon tries to escape, the still wound up in the talons of the powerful bird predators. As if is almost undisputed that the predators will surely capture the targeted pigeon and it's not because the predators have superb hunting skills, but pigeons are just too weak to do anything about themselves from getting killed.

Falcons normally use their speed to speed their way to their impending prey. Once near its target, it could either stoop or dive to catch the prey off guard and before the pigeon knows it, it's already torn into minces. Coopers, sharpies, goshawks, don't attack their pigeon prey at front but they prefer to scour and take their prey by surprise. Their instincts would tell them that they would make a certain catch if they take their targets right when they are most vulnerable and unexpecting. A lot of hawk species however, are generally not bird eaters yet still they attack pigeons on plain sight. Omnivorous species as they are, they do not really discount having meat for meals every once in a while. And what could be more convenient than to have a poor, weak and defenceless pigeon presenting itself to the predators.


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Owls are not picky. That's one thing for certain. Owls have a diversified diet basis and they could practically eat anything just so they can survive. Owls are also very wise creatures as they would immediately learn to adapt their hunting approaches to appropriate the kind of prey they are targeting. Owls are nocturnal though, and pigeons need to worry about them in broad daylight as these predators are most likely asleep. However, the thrill begins when it's the other way around wherein; the pigeons are the one sleeping. Then again, they have presented themselves to an open opportunity of becoming a prey to the nocturnal hunters. And what could be swifter than to attack the pigeon while it's not conscious of what's happening around them. Owls are very dangerous predators to pigeons, considering that they fly silently due to their highly developed feathers that prevent flight noises. However, a healthy pigeon may have the advantage to escape the clutches of a hungry owl at daylight.


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Felines have always been a potential threat to pigeons since time immemorial. It's a good thing actually that we don't find lions and tigers roaming freely in the urban areas, but these two species of cats would most likely not bother making a meal out of creatures as small as pigeons. However, humans do have a lot to worry about with them around. On the other hand, the smaller members of the family will most likely find pigeons as quite delectable as well as conveniently accessible. Bobcats and lynx are amongst the most frequent predators of pigeons in the more urban areas. Domestic cats can also be pigeon predators. That's why often pet pigeons inside the house aren't always safe with a cat around. You would really have to make sure that your pigeon cage is well-built, otherwise, it might just give in and give away your pigeon to your cat's tummy.


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Dogs aren't actually full pledge meat eaters and they definitely do not take pleasure in feeding on small helpless birds as they can be quite busy dealing with making sure that the house is safe and pleasing their masters. However, dog fangs may sometimes find their way in a pigeon's neck if they are somehow caught up in rare opportunities that they cross path. Animals as dogs are, they have the instinct to pounce on anything that peculiarly moves. And if ever they do get to kill a helpless pigeon that crossed their path, they will most likely just leave the bloody carcass behind for other creatures to feed on.

Mice and Rats

This kind of pigeon predators don't do the hunting themselves, but they let other do the hunting for them or they just simply wait for the pigeon to come to them already lifeless. They often feed on pigeons when they are given the opportunity to pounce on something that is already helpless or driven out of life.
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